Caesar Invades Vegas and Takes Over Caesars Palace Las Vegas with a major show-stopping visual effect!
- Details
- Category: CinemaCon - Newswire
- Published on 03 April 2017
- Written by Newswire
Caesar Invades Vegas and Takes Over Caesars Palace Las Vegas with a major show-stopping visual effect!
In anticipation of a brand new trailer that launched on March 31st, projections of Caesar, the title character of WAR FOR THE PLANET OF THE APES, and a special image created by Shepard Fairey in collaboration with Studio One took over Caesars Palace.
Famed contemporary street artist Shepard Fairey in collaboration with Studio One has created a stunning image which is being projected by twelve 35,000 lumen projectors with true 4k images all digitally mapped together to create one large image on the hotel. The final image is over 495’ wide and 261’ tall and required over a football field of cabling running from roof to roof at Caesars Palace Las Vegas. All of the lights on the Caesars Palace Augustus Tower will be turned off while the image is projected.
Shepard Fairey stated, “After reading Matt Reeves’s script, I was excited to work on art for WAR FOR THE PLANET OF THE APES because the story presents a visceral but sophisticated dichotomy of dual perspectives on the struggle for survival. Unlike most films in which the audience immediately identifies with their fellow humans and the threat is from the “other,” this films asks questions about compassion, empathy, and other traits that we usually only associate with humans.”
Watch the trailer announcement: